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Instructions for Decal Application 
Instructions for Decal Application





The decals are placed in a shallow pan (e.g. developing tray) of warm water and left for about 1 ½ minutes to soak until the color layer can be released from the backing paper.  At this stage the decal can be applied to the ware in various ways.  We are describing the 2 most popular ways:


METHOD #1: Very large decals are applied over the object face up and the backing paper is slipped out from underneath as soon as the decal has been applied to the piece of ware.  Then the decal is adjusted into the proper position on the ware and the water from underneath the decal is removed by a rubber squeegee or damp sponge.  This is being done by patting down from the center towards the outer edges until all the excessive water has been removed and wrinkles or air bubbles smoothed out.


METHOD #2:  10-12 decal sheets are removed from the developing tray and placed face up on a glass slab.  The decals are then slid off the paper with a finger and applied individually to the ware.  The method of removing the water and straightening is the same as mentioned under method #1.  When all the decals from the top sheet have been removed the backing paper is then discarded and one starts using the decals from the next sheet, etc.  Excessive soaking of the decals should be avoided as it may cause the decal to release itself from the backing paper and float in the water, which makes it difficult to handle.  This excessive wetting might also cause the dissolving of the adhesive backing of the decal colors.




The decorated ware should be allowed to dry, if possible, overnight before firing.  The recommended firing temperatures for our decals are as follows:  CERAMIC 1319-1465 Degrees F, GLASS 1000-1040 Degrees F.  These temperatures are by no means absolutes and we, therefore, suggest that you request samples to try on your ware, under your conditions.  Under optimum conditions the firing cycle should be slow and well ventilated with the first 800 degrees F being the most critical.




Decals, when stored at a constant room temperature of approximately 68-74 degrees F and humidity of about 60-65%, can have a long shelf life.  Storing will not harm the quality of the decal providing that the above temperatures and humidity conditions have been observed.  It is also important that the decals, which will be stored for a longer period of time, remain in their original cartons and cartons be kept in a vertical position.  Only those cartons which are intended for immediate use should be left lying flat.

*INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIRING GLASS DECALS: on cone-020- 022 / 628 to 576 degrees Celsius or 1157 to 1069 Fahrenheit: 

               COMPUTERIZED KILNS                 
• Set Cone
• Set Firing Speed for FAST
• Leave kiln lid cracked about 1”
• Leave all “peep holes” open

> Start kiln

• When kiln stops smoking, close lid
  This will usually be about 45 minutes into the firing (with a small kiln)
 “Peep holes” may remain open
• When kiln shuts off,
  crack lid (1”) IMMEDIATELY
  This is the most important step!
• Let kiln cool down naturally
• Remove ware when kiln has cooled

 Approximate firing time is about 1 hour

                       MANUAL KILNS
• Turn ALL switches on HIGH
• Put 022 cone into “Kiln Sitter”
• Same instructions as above



Place the decal in a shallow pan (such as a developing tray) of warm water and soak for about 30 seconds, or until the color layer begins to slide from the backing paper.  The decal can now be applied to the ware.

Apply the decal over the object face-up, and slip out  the backing paper from underneath.

Adjust the position of the decal on the ware to the desired location.  Using a rubber squeegee or a damp sponge, stroke from the center of the decal towards the outer edges until all excess water and air bubbles have been removed and all wrinkles have been smoothed out.

Allow the decorated ware to dry for at least 4-6 hours (preferably 24 hours).


Start at the outside edge of the covercoat and use a razor or your fingernail to get under the covercoat.  Slowly lift the covercoat and peel it off the ware.  Wipe the surface clean with a damp cloth or sponge.


If you desire, you can further cure the decal on the ware by heating it in an oven to 320 degrees Fahrenheit (160 degrees C) for 20 to 25 minutes.  Be careful not to exceed 320 degrees Fahrenheit or 160 degrees C.


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